Long Time No Post!
I have been wrapped up in family (speaking of family check out my brother's gig Out in LA), my studies and my work and in response to a prolonged rainy season the backyard has both suffered and thrived.
We are finishing up an excellent tomato crop but, alas, the etamame and the green beans withered away, never quite living up to their promise. The basil has been rescued from caterpillar invaders as has the spearmint--the latter I thought literally rose back from the dead.
The orphaned strawberry plant we adopted yielded a few tasty berries before finishing up for the season and the parsley and peppermint is happy as can be.
Speaking of happy, I have a thriving bucket-full-o-worms. They are doing great and have easily doubled, if not tripled in population. I think it is time to put the provisional bucket to rest and go with a commercially produced composter. The little guys deserve it!
More pictures on the way soon!
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